In a perfect world everyone could read the eye chart and follow the directions. PLEASE!
Wouldn’t your preschooler have fun with this toilet paper holder?
Did you know your bathroom contains a hidden college fund? These cardboard rolls appear to actually be a real commodity!
So, if you can’t beat’em… or is it, why not apply reverse psychology? Did you know that “bathroom” is American speak and our Canadian neighbors prefer “washroom”. It seems to me that North Americans, unlike much of the rest of the world tend to avoid the word “toilet” all together. Correct me if I am wrong, please. Heading south of the border for Spring Break? A handy phrase to take along is: Dónde está el baño? Visiting Australia? Another quick and helpful lesson for you: if a bath or shower is not needed, ask for the toilet, restroom, loo, john, dunny or thunderbox. However, in polite society, toilet or loo is most preferred.
What’s in a name? Roto-Rooter lists 101, and please, let’s not talk about what’s in this name.
1 Banheiro
2 Banjoja
3 Bañu
4 Bean-Jacks
5 Big White Phone
6 Biffy
7 Bog
8 Bowl
9 Can
10 Cesso
11 Cèsuŏ
12 Chamber Pot
13 Chiottes
14 Choo
15 Chunder Box
16 Cloakroom
17 Coalfabias
18 Comfort Room
19 Comfort Station
20 Commode
21 Convenience
22 Cloakroom
23 CR
24 Crapper
25 Crane
26 The Dunny
27 Dunnekin
28 El Baño
29 Facilities
30 Forakers
31 Gabinetto
32 Garderobe
33 Gardyloo
34 God of Abraham
35 Head
36 Hopper
37 House of Ease
38 House of Office
39 Huuschen
40 Il Bagno
41 Jakes
42 Jax
43 Jericho
44 Jerry
45 John
46 Johnny House
47 Karsy
48 Kamot
49 Khazi
50 Latrine
51 Lav
52 Lavatory
53 Lavvy
54 Little Boys Room
55 Little Girls Room
56 London
57 Loo
58 Long Drop
59 Necessarium
60 Necessary
61 Netty
62 Outhouse
63 Oval Office
64 Pan
65 Porcelain Throne
66 Porcelain God
67 Po
68 Pool
69 Pot
70 Potty
71 Powder room
72 Place of easement
73 Privy
74 Reading Room
75 Restroom
76 El Retrete
77 Sanitarios
78 Seat
79 Los Servicios
80 Small house
81 Stool
82 S̄uk̄hā
83 Swanie
84 Thunder Mug
85 Thunder Box
86 Toilet
87 Toilette
88 Tualet
89 The Bogs
90 The Gents
91 The Ladies
92 The Office
93 The Smallest Room
94 Throne
95 Throne Room
96 Toire
97 The Vin
98 W.C.
99 Wash room
100 Water Closet
101 White Hart Room